Electrical and computer engineering professor with decades of experience in computer architecture and design who has been recognized as one of the top innovators in the first half century of the history of computing. Has specialized technical expertise in bio-robotics, medical devices, actuators, mechatronics, fault tolerant computing, processor cache and memory design, high speed networks, storage subsystems, and system performance evaluation.

Formal Education

  • Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of Illinois
  • M.S. in Electrical Engineering, University of Illinois
  • B.S. in Electrical Engineering, University of Illinois

Career Highlights

  • Inventor of a bionic leg wearable robotic device used during physical therapy to restore natural body movement following conditions affecting mobility
  • Personally developed the FPGA and other electronics, motor controller, control algorithms and its software implementation, plus mechanics for the bionic leg product
  • Initiated and led a project that resulted in industry’s first Ethernetbased SAN (Storage Area Network) subsystem
  • Developed novel fault-tolerant system architectures and designed several generations of fault-tolerant mainframe computers used by banks and stock exchanges
  • Early in his career, designed the micro-sequencer and cache for the ground-breaking Hewlett-Packard HP 3000 Series 64 minicomputer
  • Named inventor on over eighty issued U.S. patents

Expert Qualifications

  • Experience as an expert witness both for plaintiffs and defendants in litigation involving technology from companies including Apple, Dell, Huawei, IBM, Qualcomm, Renesas, TI, VMware, and Volkswagen
  • Testifying expert for Apple in defense of three patents relating to circuit design features in Inter Partes Review (IPR) before the PTAB