Professor of electrical engineering with extensive experience as a technology industry practitioner. Special expertise spans design and development of technologies and solutions for a wide range of applications including: telecommunications (DSL, cellular, and WiFi), modems, signal processing systems, digital audio and video (e.g., MPEG) and VLSI integrated circuits (using Verilog). Has also specialized knowledge in the fields of error-correcting codes, image processing and audio data compression.  

Formal Education

  • Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Stanford University
  • M.S. in Electrical Engineering, Stanford University
  • B.S. in Electrical Engineering, MIT

Career Highlights

  • Consultant to a range of major corporations and small companies in the areas of error-correcting codes, digital signal processing, disk storage controllers, modem design, and semiconductor design for DSP chips
  • Technical member of the founding team of Ford Microelectronics to service the custom integrated circuit needs of Ford Motor and Ford Aerospace by providing custom integrated circuit design services
  • While working as a professor of electrical engineering, taught graduate and undergraduate courses in communication theory and computer hardware and software and was awarded as outstanding professor
  • For over a decade, served as a technical consultant to chip-maker ST Microelectronics regarding licensing and intellectual property
  • Active member of CCITT ́s Modem Working Party (study group XVII) and ISDN Joint Working Group (study group XVIII), as well as a participant in the T1D1 ISDN Meetings
  • Named inventor of about twenty issued U.S. patents including for methods of data compression and error correction in communications

Expert Qualifications

  • Has served as an expert witness on several occasions including testifying in Markman hearings, bench and jury trials, and arbitrations
  • Testifying expert in patent litigation between Ericsson v. Samsung before the U.S. ITC relating to a method of wireless communication
  • Expert witness regarding LTE cellular protocols in U.S. District Court
  • Testifying expert for microprocessor maker AMD in an Inter Parties Review before the U.S. PTO’s PTAB about data coding and error protection in high speed interconnects