The following abbreviations and acronyms are accepted for use in source code without local explanation.
Abbreviation | Meaning |
adc | analog-to-digital converter |
avg | average |
b_ | Boolean |
buf | buffer |
cfg | configuration |
curr | current (item in a list) |
dac | digital-to-analog converter |
ee | EEPROM |
err | error |
g_ | global |
gpio | general-purpose I/O pins |
h_ | handle (to) |
init | initialize |
io | input/output |
isr | interrupt service routine |
lcd | liquid crystal display |
led | light-emitting diode |
max | maximum |
mbox | mailbox |
mgr | manager |
min | minimum |
msec | millisecond16 |
msg | message |
next | next (item in a list) |
nsec | nanosecond |
num | number (of) |
p_ | pointer (to) |
pp_ | pointer to a pointer (to) |
prev | previous (item in a list) |
prio | priority |
pwm | pulse width modulation |
q | queue |
reg | register |
rx | receive |
sem | semaphore |
str | string (null terminated) |
sync | synchronize |
temp | temperature |
tmp | temporary |
tx | transmit |
usec | microsecond |
[16] Note that second(s) shall not be abbreviated, nor minute, hour, day, week, month, or year. Among other things, this rule eliminates conflict between minute and minimum (for “min”).